Complete flow when you trigger
When you trigger a request to access, the process involves several steps in a typical web browsing scenario:
DNS Resolution:
Your web browser sends a DNS (Domain Name System) query to resolve the domain name "" to its corresponding IP address.
Protocol: DNS
TCP Handshake:
Your browser establishes a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection with Amazon's web server.
Protocol: TCP
HTTP Request:
Your browser sends an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) request to the Amazon server, specifying the desired resource (e.g., homepage, product page).
Protocol: HTTP
Server Processing:
- The Amazon web server receives the HTTP request and processes it. This may involve fetching data from databases, generating dynamic content, or accessing cached resources.
HTTP Response:
The Amazon server constructs an HTTP response containing the requested content (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and sends it back to your browser.
Protocol: HTTP
Rendering the Web Page:
- Your browser receives the HTTP response and begins rendering the web page. It interprets the HTML, applies styles from CSS, executes JavaScript, and displays the content to you.
Additional Requests:
- The web page may contain additional resources such as images, scripts, or stylesheets. Your browser sends additional HTTP requests to fetch these resources as needed.
Content Display:
- Your browser assembles all fetched resources and renders the complete web page, displaying it to you in the browser window.
User Interaction:
- You interact with the web page by clicking links, filling out forms, adding items to your cart, etc. Each interaction triggers corresponding HTTP requests and responses.
Session Management:
- Throughout the browsing session, cookies and session tokens may be exchanged between your browser and the Amazon server to manage your session state and authentication.
Connection Termination:
- Once the browsing session is complete or if there's a timeout, your browser may close the TCP connection with the Amazon server.
This entire flow enables you to access and interact with the Amazon website seamlessly.