3 tier app deploy

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Assignment Output:

1. Step-by-Step Setup Process:

Step 1: Choose Cloud Platform: I choose AWS as the preferred cloud platform for this assignment.

Step 2: Create Infrastructure:

a. Networking:

  • Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with appropriate CIDR range.

  • Create three subnets: one public subnet for the load balancer, and two private subnets for application and database servers.

  • Configure route tables to route traffic accordingly.

  • Set up network access control lists (ACLs) to control traffic flow.

b. Compute:

  • Launch EC2 instances for web application, application server, and database server.

  • Assign appropriate security groups to each instance, allowing necessary traffic.

  • Ensure that the web application server's Public IP is not exposed to the internet.

c. Database:

  • Set up a managed database service like Amazon RDS for the database tier.

  • Configure security groups to allow access only from the application server.

Step 3: Aquila Application Setup:

a. CI/CD Pipeline:

  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline or AWS CodeBuild to automate deployment.

  • Connect the pipeline to the GitHub repository containing the Aquila application source code.

  • Configure the pipeline to deploy the application to the appropriate EC2 instances.

b. Deployment:

  • Clone the Aquila application repository onto the web application server.

  • Install necessary dependencies and configure the application.

  • Ensure environment variables are properly set, including database connection strings.

2. High-Level Design (HLD) Diagram:

[Insert diagram representing the three-tier architecture here]

3. Web Application URL or IP Address:

The Aquila application can be accessed via the following URL: [Insert URL or IP address here]

Note: Ensure that appropriate security measures are in place, such as encrypting data in transit and at rest, setting up backups, and regularly updating software to mitigate security risks. Additionally, monitor the infrastructure for performance and security issues using AWS CloudWatch or similar tools.


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